MDT 2013 Update 1 Now Available

The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1 is now available on the Microsoft Download Center. This update requires the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10, available on the Microsoft Hardware Dev Center. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to the section, “Customize, assess, and deploy Windows on your hardware.” The page also includes other Windows kits; remember for deployment you only need the Windows ADK for Windows 10.)

Significant changes in MDT 2013 Update 1:

  • Support for the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10
  • Support for deployment and upgrade of Windows 10
  • Support for integration with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1 with the Windows 10 ADK (seethis post on the Configuration Manager Team blog for more information on using the Windows 10 ADK with Configuration Manager)

Here is a more detailed list of some specific changes in this release:

  • Support for new Enterprise LTSB and Education editions of Windows 10
  • Support for modern app (.appx) dependencies and bundles
  • Improved support for split image files (.swm)
  • Switched to using DISM for imaging processes (instead of deprecated ImageX)
  • Deployment Workbench revisions for deprecated content
  • Enhanced accessibility within the Deployment Workbench
  • Revised lists of time zones, regions and languages in the Deployment Wizard
  • Removed Start menu shortcut for “Remove PXE Filter”
  • Several MVP recommended fixes for Windows Updates, password handling, and PowerShell cmdlets
  • Added missing OOBE settings to Unattend.xml
  • Unattend.xml default screen resolution changed to allow for automatic scaling
  • Updated task sequence binaries from System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1
  • New GetMajorMinorVersion function for integer comparison of Windows version numbers

Deploy Windows 10 with MDT 2013 Update 1 “Preview”

Deploying Windows 10 with MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview

Next you need the MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview. To get the preview, you need to first join the MDT Group on Microsoft Connect, if you’re not a member already. Then, prior to downloading the actual preview bits, you’ll need to grab the Windows ADK for Windows 10 Technical Preview, which is a prerequisite for running MDT.

The Build number which the best to use is the Windows 10 Technical Preview with build number 9926 Winking smile

So i installed some apps automaticly Winking smile

Doing some bug check/feature check Winking smile Keep you posted Winking smile

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 Preview Now Available

The Enterprise Client Management team is happy to announce the availability of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1 Preview!

What’s new with MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview:

  • Support for the Windows 10 Technical Preview (LTI only) and the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 Technical Preview
  • Split WIM support for UEFI media scenarios
  • Completely revised Windows version logic including changes from string to integer comparison (“10” !> “6” but 10 > 6) and a new ZTIUtility function, GetMajorMinorVersion
  • Minor revisions to Deployment Workbench console interface

To Do List:

  1. Download the installer from the MDT Connect portal.
  2. Download the prerequisite Windows ADK for Windows 10 Technical Preview from the Microsoft Download Center.
  3. Try MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview (lab only!) and then submit suggestions, bugs and feedback via the Connect portal. (You are welcome to post comments here, but make your feedback actionable by posting on Connect.)

(New members must first join the MDT group of the Client Management program on Connect.)

MDT Create your own Default Task Sequence

MDT is a greate tool, You can create your own Default Task Sequence for Clients Servers!!

Normal i need to customize every Task Sequence that i create and that is so boring!!

I Create in this example a task sequence (ID & NAME) Server and Changed some things things like Windows Update.


So now go to to that Folder \\DeploymentShare\Control\Server

Copy the TS.XML

Go to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates & save the TS.XML File


Rename the TS.xml file. I my demo Ward Server Deployment.xml

Edit the Name and the Description:image


When you maken now what to make a new Task Sequence, You will see Ward Server Deployment Listed. Freaking Awesome!!


Bulk import applicaties in MDT

Mikael Nystrom created i freaking nice script.

Often I need to import applications into the Deployment workbench and that is fine. The process is easy and fast, but it is boring and if you have more then 5 apps it is really boring. Based on the fact that almost all my apps in MDT is deployed using VB or PowerShell wrappers its is just one file in a folder and then there is a subfolder with the content. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that 90% of all the apps pretty much have the same folder and file structure in the root of the application folder, so why don’t we use PowerShell to import all the apps based on some guessing?

The command line:
This is the tricky part, since there is no way to know that it will be a guessing game and the command line might need to be modified after import, but I rather modify 2-3 applications instead of importing all of them manually.
The default cmdline for all imported apps will be:

.EXE    “$Install /q”
.MSI    “msiexec.exe /i $Install /qn”
.MSU    “wusa.exe $Install /Quiet /NoRestart”
.PS1    “PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File $Install”
.WSF    “cscript.exe $Install”

The Script:
The script is rather easy, it takes 2 parameters. The folder from where to import and the deployment share. You need to have MDT installed since it is using PowerShell cmdlets from MDT. The syntax for the script looks like this:

.\Import-MDTApps.ps1 -ImportFolder d:\APPS -MDTFolder D:\DeploymentShare


You can download the script here: mirror: Import-MDTApps.7z

Clean Up your template before Sysprep and Capture a reference image in MDT

When you create a reference Image it will in most cases it will be updated with patches. That will make the image bigger and bigger and there fore the deployment of that image will take longer and consume more network resources & unneeded disk space. That can be corrected by getting rid of superseded patches, junk, temp files and much more.

The Solution

Since MDT is the preferred method to create reference images you can download the script, import it as an application and then run the application just before the Sysprep and Capture step. The Script works for the following versions of Windows:

  • Windows 7 SP1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1 Update
  • Windows Server 2008 2 SP1
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2

To make this work in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 you need to add a hotfix to Packages in MDT.

Download the script

Download the script from here: Mirror Mirror 2

Action-CleanupBeforeSysprep Applicationimage

Task Sequenceimage

Created a Group Clean.
Add install a application –> Action-CleanUpBeforeSysprep
Restart Computer (Very Important) without it will not work



Deploy Windows 10 and Windows Server vNext Technical Preview Using MDT 2013

1. Mount boot.wim file
Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:”D:\DeploymentShare\Operating Systems\Windows Server Technical Preview\sources\boot.wim” /index:1 /MountDir:D:\offline

2. Copy the dism.exe and DISM folder from the Windows 10 Technical Preview boot.wim file to your deployment share, in my case D:\DeploymentShare\Tools\x64.

The dism.exe file and DISM folder are found in the X:\Windows\System32 on your boot image (once booted), or D:\Offline\Windows\System32 if you just mounted the boot.wim.

3. Unmount the image|
Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:”D:\Offline” /Discard

4. Edit the Task Sequence
image image 

After copying the files, add two run command line actions to your Windows 10 Technical Preview and Server vNext Preview task sequence after Preinstall – Enable Bitlocker (Offline)

Copy WTP dism.exe
cmd /c copy %deployroot%\tools\%architecture%\dism.exe x:\windows\system32\ /y

Copy WTP DISM subsystem
cmd /c copy %deployroot%\tools\%architecture%\dism\*  x:\windows\system32\dism /y

5. Deploy Machines



MDT 2013 Displaying the task sequence name

On september 2012 i wrote a article about mdt displaying the task sequence name.

I MDT 2012 Update 1 you had to change LiteTouch.wsf to fix this.

In MDT 2013 this much easier to do:

Edit customsettings.ini
Add _SMSTSPackageName=%TaskSequenceName%

Thats it!!

Fixed a Bug in MDT 2013 automatically move computers to the right OU.

On December 2010 i wrote an article: automatically move computers to the right OU.
In MDT 2012 update 1 this was an issue: MDT 2012 settings per task sequence 

In MDT 2013 this is still a issue:

How to fix:

I changed DeployWiz_SelectTS.vbs file and it work again Glimlach

1. Edit DeployWiz_SelectTS.vbs
2. Add after “Dim sTemplate”
Dim sCmd
Set Oshell = createObject(“”)
3. Add before “End Function” (bottom of page)
sCmd = “wscript.exe “”” & oUtility.ScriptDir & “\ZTIGather.wsf”””
oItem = oSHell.Run(sCmd, , true)

Download DeployWiz_SelectTS2013.7z

MDT Enable TPM tools from Dell, HP, and Lenovo

If you want to automate enabling the TPM chip as part of the deployment process, you need to download the vendor tools and add them to your task sequences, either directly or in a script wrapper.

Add tools from Dell

The Dell tools are available via the Dell Client Configuration Toolkit (CCTK). The executable file from Dell is named cctk.exe. Here is a sample command to enable TPM and set a BIOS password using the cctk.exe tool:

cctk.exe --tpm=on --valsetuppwd=Password1234

Add tools from HP

The HP tools are part of HP System Software Manager. The executable file from HP is named BiosConfigUtility.exe. This utility uses a configuration file for the BIOS settings. Here is a sample command to enable TPM and set a BIOS password using the BiosConfigUtility.exe tool:

BIOSConfigUtility.EXE /SetConfig:TPMEnable.REPSET /NewAdminPassword:Password1234

And the sample content of the TPMEnable.REPSET file:

Activate Embedded Security On Next Boot
Embedded Security Activation Policy
*No prompts
F1 to Boot
Allow user to reject
Embedded Security Device Availability

Add tools from Lenovo

The Lenovo tools are a set of VBScripts available as part of the “Lenovo BIOS Setup using Windows Management Instrumentation Deployment Guide.” Lenovo also provides a separate download of the scripts. Here is a sample command to enable TPM using the Lenovo tools:

cscript.exe SetConfig.vbs SecurityChip Active
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