My Favorites Visual Studio Code Plugins

When i begon with scripting using PowerShell ISE for Coding.

PowerShell ISE and Visual Studio Code are free coding tools from Microsoft.

But when Visual Studio Code was released back in 2015 i was switching to that. Powershell ISE i still use on a daily base for some basic tasks.

But with de Extenions list for Visual Studio Code getting better and better scripting is much faster and without errors and easyer to read.

The list with favo extensions is getting bigger en bigger.
Which makes my live a little easyer and helpfull.

So the list of my Favorites:
Prettier – Code Formatter
TODO Highlight
Code Spell Checker
Dutch – Code Spell Checker
Code Snap
Error Lens
Hashicorp HCL
HashiCorp Terraform

Because AI is hot I ám currently testing the following plugins
GitHub CoPilot
GitHub CoPilot Chat

Using the ChatGPT/CoPilot plugins makes scripting even faster

Powershell Script to Install Requirements for Skype for Business Server 2015 on Server 2012 R2

I Created a powershell script to install Requirements for Skype for Business Server 2015 on Server 2012 R2

You can download the Script from Technet Script Libary

Creating a Home Drive with Windows PowerShell

With the following script I will do 3 things:

1. Set the user his home folder with drive letter
2. Create a folder on your home folders file share
3. Giving users full control on there folder.


The Script:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase “OU=wardusers,DC=wardvissers,DC=local” | Foreach-Object {
$sam = $_.SamAccountName
$sid = $_.Sid

# Assign the Drive letter and Home Drive for the user in Active Directory

SET-ADUSER $sam –HomeDrive $HomeDrive –HomeDirectory $HomeDir

# Create the folder on the root of the common Users Share

NEW-ITEM –path $HomeDir -type directory -force


# Set parameters for Access rule

$dirACE=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($sid,$rights,$inheritance,$propagation,$allowdeny)
$dirACL=Get-Acl $HomeDir


Set-Acl -path $HomeDir -AclObject $dirACL

Write-Host $HomeDir access rights assigned


Microsoft Virtualization for VMware Professionals Jump Start

The “Microsoft Virtualization for VMware Professionals” Jump Start is specially tailored for VMware and Microsoft virtualization technology pros. This cutting-edge course features expert instruction and real-world demonstrations of Hyper-V, many components of the System Center Suite, including VMM 2012, and a myriad of VDI solutions. This course is designed for Data Center Managers, IT Professionals, IT Decision Makers, Network Administrators, Storage/Infrastructure Administrators & Architects. Expert IT infrastructure consultant, Corey Hynes, and Microsoft Technical Evangelist, Symon Perriman, leveraged an engaging "team teaching" approach which makes the class as entertaining as it is educational Smile

Virtualization Jump Start (01): Virtualization Overview
Virtualization Jump Start (02): Differentiating Microsoft & VMware
Virtualization Jump Start (03a): Hyper-V Deployment Options & Architecture | Part 1
Virtualization Jump Start (03b): Hyper-V Deployment Options & Architecture | Part 2
Virtualization Jump Start (04): High-Availability & Clustering
Virtualization Jump Start (05): System Center Suite Overview with focus on DPM
Virtualization Jump Start (06): Automation with Opalis, Service Manager & PowerShell
Virtualization Jump Start (07): System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012
Virtualization Jump Start (08): Private Cloud Solutions, Architecture & VMM Self-Service Portal 2.0
Virtualization Jump Start (09): Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Architecture | Part 1
Virtualization Jump Start (10): Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Architecture | Part 2
Virtualization Jump Start (11): v-Alliance Solution Overview
Virtualization Jump Start (12): Application Delivery for VDI

Download all the Video’s:
Video: WMV | WMV (ZIP) | PSP
Audio: WMA | MP3

Now only finding some spare time to watch’s these video’s Winking smile

Powershell Start-Transscript

Start-Transcript is een handige tool.

Namelijk het logt namelijk alles wat je in typt in Powershell.

Dan kun je later filteren wat je bijvoorbeeld wilt gebruiken zonder kopiëren & plakken te gebruiken.


Dit start hij het transcript hij slaat het standaard op in de standaard locatie.

Ik gebruik vaak c:\PS>Start-Transcript -path d:\psexchtest.txt -noclobber

-Path zorgt er voor hij een tekst bestand aanmaakt op de schijf die ik gekozen heb met een naam die ik opgegeven heb.

-noclobber zorgt er voor dat het bestand niet overschreven wordt. Als hij ziet dat bestand bestaat dan krijg je een foutmelding.

Met stop-transcript wordt het bestand opgeslagen en wordt de transscript beëindigd.



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