Virtual Machine with Windows Server 2022 with KB5022842 (Feb 2023) installed and configured with secure boot will not boot up on vSphere 7 unless updated to 7.0u3k (vSphere 8 not affected)

Virtual Machine with Windows Server 2022 with KB5022842 (Feb 2023) installed en configured with secure boot enabled will not boot up on vSphere 7 unless updated to 7.0u3k (vSphere 8 not affected)

VMware Seciroty Violation message

In VM vmware.log, there is ‘Image DENIED’ info like the below:
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 – SECUREBOOT: Signature: 0 in db, 0 in dbx, 1 unrecognized, 0 unsupported alg.
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 – Hash: 0 in db, 0 in dbx.
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 – SECUREBOOT: Image DENIED.

To identify the location of vmware.log files:

  1. Establish an SSH session to your host. For ESXi hosts
  2. Log in to the ESXi Host CLI using root account.
  3. To list the locations of the configuration files for the virtual machines registered on the host, run the below command:

#vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -i “VM_Name

  1. The vmware.log file is located in virtual machine folder along with the vmx file.
  2. Record the location of the .vmx configuration file for the virtual machine you are troubleshooting. For example:



This issue is resolved in VMware ESXi 7.0 U3k, released on February 21st 2023. Build 21313628
A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

  • Virtual machines running on any version of vSphere ESXi 8.0.x are not impacted by this issue
  • vSphere ESXi 6.7 is End of general Support. For more information, see The End of General Support for vSphere 6.5 and vSphere 6.7 is October 15, 2022.
  • If you already face the issue, after patching the host to ESXi 7.0 Update 3k, just power on the affected Windows Server 2022 VMs. After you patch a host to ESXi 7.0 Update 3k, you can migrate a running Windows Server 2022 VM from a host of version earlier than ESXi 7.0 Update 3k, install KB5022842, and the VM boots properly without any additional steps required.

Ultimate Cross vCenter Script

Last year i attend the Dutch VMUG (NLVMUG) i followed session from

Michael Wilmsen that was: Migrate your datacenter without downtime.

I must also move al lot of VM’s from different datacenters to other datacenters.
I use the script from Michael Wilmsen to move the VM’s. But along the way I counter some problems with this script. So I begon tweaking and tweaking and tweaking this script to create for me the ultimate Cross vCenter PowerCLI Script.

– Info through Whattsapp (Default not enabled)
– Dryrun (Test Run)
– Logging
– Selection through GUI
– Multiple Nic support maximum of 4.
– Datastore en Host selection based on Free space en Free Memory
– Check of Destination Host or Datastore in Maintance
– Destination Store exist in Destination Cluster

#Filename: MoveVM.ps1
#Author: M. Wilmsen / W. Vissers
#Version: 2.0
#Date: 21-10-2018
# V0.9 – M. Wilmsen First Version
# V1.0 – Fixed Multiple Nics to maximium of 4 nics
#      – Logfile name VM name
# V1.1 – Destination Cluster not the first Host
# V1.2 – Selected Destination host based on memory used
# V1.3 – Fixed folder location and VirtualPortGroup
# V1.4 – Fixed Datastore in Maintance
# V1.5 – Using Get-VICredentialStoreItem + Logpath Fixt
# V1.6 – Fixed Log in Hours in 24 uurs
# V1.7 – Fixed Using DatastoreCluster name based on Cluster name!
# V1.8 – Check if Destination has the same datastore
#          – Ask know for input
#          – VM selection with VMhost
#          – Fixed Ping Check
# v1.9 – Added Destination Store exist in Destination Cluster
# v2.0 – Fixed Destination Store exist in Destination Cluster
Script to migrate a virtual machine
Script to migrate compute and storage from cluster to cluster. Log will be in current dir [VM]-[-timestamp].log

################################## INIT #################################################
#Set WebOperation timeout
# set-PowerCLIConfiguration -WebOperationTimeoutSeconds 3600
#Define Global variables
$location = “D:\xmovewhattsapp”
$LogPath = “.\”
$DataStoreClusterPrefix = “SAN-“
$SourceVC = Read-Host “Give Source vCenter”
$DestinationVC = Read-Host “Give Destination vCenter”
$DRSRecommendation = $true
$Dryrun = $false
$SendWhatsApp = $false
$WhatsAppNumbers = “0123456789”
$WhatsAppGroup = “Namehireyourwhattsgroup”
$instanceId = “23” #chang this line
$clientId = “” #change this line
$clientSecret = “Puthiersecretid” #change this line
################################## PASSWORD STORE ##############################################
# Check if credentials exist in credential store if not ask for credentials and put them in credential store

If ((Get-VICredentialStoreItem).host -notcontains $SourceVC) {New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $SourceVC -User $env:USERNAME -Password ((get-credential).GetNetworkCredential().Password)}
If ((Get-VICredentialStoreItem).host -notcontains $DestinationVC) {New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $DestinationVC -User $env:USERNAME -Password ((get-credential).GetNetworkCredential().Password)}

# Remove-VICredentialStoreItem * -Confirm:$false

################################## END INIT #################################################
################################## FUNCTIONS #################################################
#Define log function
Function LogWrite
    Param ([string]$logstring)
    #Add logtime to entry
    $LogTime = Get-Date -Format “MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss”
    $logstring = $LogTime + ” : ” + $logstring
    #Write logstring
    Add-content $LogFile -value $logstring
    Write-Host $logstring
#Define SendWhatsApp function
Function SendWhatsApp
   Param ([string] $message)
   if ( $SendWhatsApp ) {
     $LogTime = Get-Date -Format “MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss”
     $message = $logtime + ” : ” + $message
     foreach ( $number in $WhatsAppNumbers )
        $jsonObj = @{‘group_admin’=$number;
       Try {
         $res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri “$instanceId” `
                           -Method Post   `
                           -Headers @{“X-WM-CLIENT-ID”=$clientId; “X-WM-CLIENT-SECRET”=$clientSecret;} `
                           -Body (ConvertTo-Json $jsonObj)
         LogWrite “WhatsMate Status Code: ”  $res.StatusCode
         LogWrite $res.Content
       Catch {
         $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
         $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
         $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
         $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();

        Write-host “Status Code: ” $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
         Write-host $message

function Get-VmSize($vm)
     #Initialize variables
     $VmDirs =@()
     $VmSize = 0
     $searchSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
     $searchSpec.details = New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags
     $searchSpec.details.fileSize = $TRUE
     Get-View -VIObject $vm | % {
         #Create an array with the vm’s directories
         $VmDirs += $_.Config.Files.VmPathName.split(“/”)[0]
         $VmDirs += $_.Config.Files.SnapshotDirectory.split(“/”)[0]
         $VmDirs += $_.Config.Files.SuspendDirectory.split(“/”)[0]
         $VmDirs += $_.Config.Files.LogDirectory.split(“/”)[0]
         #Add directories of the vm’s virtual disk files
         foreach ($disk in $_.Layout.Disk) {
             foreach ($diskfile in $disk.diskfile){
                 $VmDirs += $diskfile.split(“/”)[0]
         #Only take unique array items
         $VmDirs = $VmDirs | Sort | Get-Unique
         foreach ($dir in $VmDirs){
             $ds = Get-Datastore ($dir.split(“[“)[1]).split(“]”)[0]
             $dsb = Get-View (($ds | get-view).Browser)
             $taskMoRef  = $dsb.SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task($dir,$searchSpec)
             $task = Get-View $taskMoRef
             while($task.Info.State -eq “running” -or $task.Info.State -eq “queued”){$task = Get-View $taskMoRef }
             foreach ($result in $task.Info.Result){
                 foreach ($file in $result.File){
                     $VmSize += $file.FileSize
     return $VmSize
################################## END FUNCTIONS #################################################
#Login to vCenter servers
if (($global:DefaultVIServers).Name -notcontains $SourceVC -or $DestinationVC) {

$ConnectVC = Connect-VIServer $SourceVC
$Message = “Connecting to ” + $ConnectVC  + ” as ” + $env:USERNAME
#Logwrite $Message
$ConnectVC = Connect-VIServer $DestinationVC
$Message = “Connecting ” + $ConnectVC + ” as ” + $env:USERNAME
#Logwrite $Message

# Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false

Set-Location $location

$cluster=Get-Cluster -Server $SourceVC  | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Source Cluster”
$vmtomigrate =Get-Cluster $cluster -Server $SourceVC | Get-VM | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select VM”
$DestinationCluster = Get-Cluster -Server $DestinationVC | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Destination Cluster”
$vmfolder=Get-folder -Server $DestinationVC | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Folder”

#Main Script

    #Set $MigError to false befor migration
     $MigError = $false
     #Get VM variables
     $vm = get-vm $vmtomigrate
     #Define LogFile with time stamp
     $LogTime = Get-Date -Format “MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss”
     #Do Nothing!!
     New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogPath
     $LogFile = $LogPath+$VM+”-“+$LogTime+”.log”
     # LogWrite Gebruiker
     Logwrite $env:USERNAME

    # Get-VM Info   
     $VMHDDSize = Get-VmSize($vm)
     $VMHDDSize = [Math]::Round(($VMHDDSize / 1GB),2)

    Logwrite “Start Virtual Machine Move”
     #If WhatsApp make notice
     if ( $SendWhatsApp ) { LogWrite “Notifications will be send using WhatsApp to WhatsApp Group: $WhatsAppGroup” }
     #If DryRun make Notice
     if ( $Dryrun ) {
     Logwrite “Start move virtual machines $vm Disksize $VMHDDSize GB (DryRun)”
     SendWhatsApp “Start move virtual machines $vm Disksize $VMHDDSize GB(DryRun)”
     else {
     Logwrite “Start move virtual machines $vm Disksize $VMHDDSize GB”
     SendWhatsApp “Start move virtual machines $vm Disksize $VMHDDSize GB”
     $SourceCluster = get-vm $vm | Get-Cluster | select name
     $vmip = $vm  | Select @{N=”IP Address”;E={@($_.guest.IPAddress[0])}}
     $vmip = $vmip.”ip address”
     $VMHDDSize = Get-VmSize($vm)
     $VMHDDSize = [Math]::Round(($VMHDDSize / 1GB),2)
     $NetworkAdapter = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm -Server $SourceVC
     $SourceVMPortGroup = Get-NetworkAdapter -vm $vm | Select NetworkName
     $switchname = $DestinationCluster

     $Datastore = Get-VM $vm | Get-DataStore -Server $sourceVC | Select @{N=”Name”;E={@($_.Name)}}
     $Datastore = $Datastore.Name
     $DatastoreExistinOthervCenter = Get-Cluster $DestinationCluster | Get-DataStore -Server $DestinationVC | ? {$_.Name -like “*$Datastore*”}

     if ($DatastoreExistinOthervCenter )
      LogWrite  “Datastore exsist $DestinationCluster in  destination vCenter $DestinationVC “
      $destinationDatastore = $DatastoreExistinOthervCenter }
      LogWrite  “Datastore does not exsist in $DestinationCluster destination vCenter $DestinationVC”
      # Select DataStore with the most free space and not in maintance
      $DatastoreCluster = “$DataStoreClusterPrefix”+”$DestinationCluster”
      $destinationDatastore = Get-DatastoreCluster $DatastoreCluster | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.State -ne “Maintenance”} | Sort-Object -Property FreeSpaceGB -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

     $destinationDatastoreFreeSpace = $destinationDatastore | Select Name,@{N=”FreeSpace”;E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace}}
      $destinationDatastoreFreeSpace = [Math]::Round(($destinationDatastoreFreeSpace.”FreeSpace” / 1GB),2)

    # Select the host with the less used memory
     $DestinationHost = Get-Cluster –Name $DestinationCluster –Server $DestinationVC | Get-VMhost -State Connected | Sort-Object -Property MemoryUsageGB | Select-Object -First 1
     # Change Here if you have a vm with multiple Network Cards (Remove the # for the multiple nics)
     if ($NetworkAdapter.Count-eq 1) {
         $DestinationVMPortgroup =@()
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic1”
     elseif ($NetworkAdapter.Count-eq 2) {
         $DestinationVMPortgroup =@()
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic1”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic2”
     elseif ($NetworkAdapter.Count-eq 3) {
         $DestinationVMPortgroup =@()
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic1”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic2”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic3”
     elseif ($NetworkAdapter.Count-eq 4) {
         $DestinationVMPortgroup =@()
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic1”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic2”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic3”
         $DestinationVMPortgroup += Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $DestinationVC -Vmhost $DestinationHost | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title “Select Nic4”

    LogWrite “Start move: $vm”
     Logwrite “VM IP: $vmip”
     Logwrite “VM Disk Used (GB): $VMHDDSize”
     Logwrite “VM Folder: $vmfolder”
     Logwrite “Source vCenter: $SourceVC”
     Logwrite “VM Source Cluster: $SourceCluster”
     Logwrite “Destination vCenter: $DestinationVC”
     Logwrite “VM Destination Cluster: $DestinationCluster”
     Logwrite “Destination host: $DestinationHost”
     LogWrite “VM Source PortGroup: $SourceVMPortGroup”
     LogWrite “VM Destination Portgroup: $DestinationVMPortgroup”
     Logwrite “VM Destination Datastore: $destinationDatastore”
     LogWrite “Destination Datastore FreeSpace GB: $destinationDatastoreFreeSpace “
     if ( $Dryrun ) {
       $FreespaceAfterMigration = $destinationDatastoreFreeSpace – $VMHDDSize
       if ( $FreespaceAfterMigration -lt 0 ) { Logwrite “ERROR: Datastore $destinationDatastore does not have sufficient freespace! Virtual Machine needs $VMHDDSize. Only $destinationDatastoreFreeSpace available.” }
       else { Logwrite “Virtual Machine will fit on datastore $destinationDatastore. Freespace after migration is: $FreespaceAfterMigration GB” }
    #Test if VM responsed to ping
    if ($vmip -eq $null) {
     LogWrite “Virtual Machine ip address not known”
     Logwrite “No ping check will be performed after moving the Virtual Machine”
    else {
         Test-Connection -comp $vmip -quiet
         LogWrite “Virtual Machine $vm response to ping before being moved. Virtual machine will be checked after being moved”
         $PingVM = $true
     #if ( $VMHDDSize -eq
     if ( -NOT $Dryrun) {
       #Migrate VM to cluster
       LogWrite “Move $vm to vCenter $DestinationVC and datastore $DestinationDatastore”
       Try {
         $Result = Move-VM -VM $vm `
                            -Destination $DestinationHost `
                            -Datastore $DestinationDatastore `
                            -NetworkAdapter $NetworkAdapter `
                            -PortGroup $DestinationVMPortgroup `
                            -ErrorAction Stop
       Catch {
         $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
         LogWrite “ERROR: Move of $vm to cluster $DestinationHost failed!!!”
         Logwrite “ERROR: Move Status Code:  $ErrorMessage”
         SendWhatsApp “ERROR: Move of $vm failed!!! $ErrorMessage”
         $MigError = $true   
       #Migrate VM to folder
       LogWrite “Move $vm to vCenter $vmfolder”
       Try {
         $VMtemp = get-vm $vm
         $Result = Move-VM -VM $vmtemp -InventoryLocation $vmfolder -ErrorAction Stop
       Catch {
         $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
         LogWrite “ERROR: Move of $vm to folder $vmfolder failed!!!”
         Logwrite “ERROR: Move Status Code:  $ErrorMessage”
         SendWhatsApp “ERROR: Move of $vm failed!!! $ErrorMessage”
         $MigError = $true   
     $MigError = $false
     #Test if VM is running on destination cluster
     if ( -NOT $MigError -AND -NOT $Dryrun ) {
       LogWrite “Check $vm is registered in $DestinationVC”
       try {
         $CheckVM = get-vm -name $vm -server $DestinationVC -ErrorAction Stop
         if ( $CheckVM ) {
           Logwrite “$vm registered in $DestinationVC”
         else {
           Logwrite “ERROR: $vm not found in $DestinationVC”
       catch {
         $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
         Logwrite “ERROR: $vm not found in $DestinationVC”
         Logwrite “ERROR: $ErrorMessage”
         SendWhatsApp “ERROR move: $vm not found in $DestinationVC”
     #Test is VM response to ping, if $PingVM = $True
     if ($PingVM) {
       if (Test-Connection -comp $vmip -quiet) {
         LogWrite “Virtual Machine $vm response to ping after move”
         SendWhatsApp “Virtual Machine $vm response to ping after move”
     sleep 1
     SendWhatsApp “Finished move action: $vm from $SourceVC to $DestinationVC”
     Logwrite “Finished move action: $vm from $SourceVC to $DestinationVC”

if ($DRSRecommendation)
   Get-DrsRecommendation -Cluster $DestinationCluster -Server $DestinationVC | Apply-DrsRecommendation
   Logwrite “DRS Recommendatation applyed”
  Logwrite “No DRS Recommendatation applyed”
  Write-Host “No DRS Recommendatation applyed”

#Disconnect from vCenter servers
Logwrite “Disconnect from vCenter servers $SourceVC $DestinationVC”
Disconnect-viserver $SourceVC -Confirm:$false
Disconnect-viserver $DestinationVC -Confirm:$false
Logwrite “Finished moving virtual machines, exiting…..”
SendWhatsApp “Finished moving virtual machines, exiting…..”

PowerCLI move Multiple VM’s to a VM Folder

$DestinationVC = “”

Connect-VIServer $DestinationVC

#Optie 1

$vmfolder = “Applicatie Servers”

$tempvms = Get-VM | where {$_.Folder -match ‘vm’}

foreach ($tempvm in $tempvms){

$DestinationHost = Get-VM $tempvm | Get-VMhost

Move-VM -VM $tempvm -InventoryLocation $vmfolder -Destination $DestinationHost -ErrorAction Stop


#Optie 2

# Get-VM | where {$_.Folder -match ‘vm’} | Move-VM -InventoryLocation “Diverse Applicatie Servers”

Deploy Multi VM’s based on Windows Template

I love powershell. I created a little script to deploy multi VM based on a Windows Template throug CSV file.

It’s create a computer account at the specfified ou. He greates also a Domain Local Group for management. (It used in the customization not specified here)





#Filename: MultiVM.ps1

#Author: W. Vissers


#Version: 1.1

#Date: 08-05-2018


# V1.0 – Module Active Directory

#      – Module VMware PowerCli

#      – Active Directory Computer Account, Group

#      – Host Selected from Cluster with Least Memory

#      – Storage selection based on volume with most free space

# V1.1 – Added Harddisk 1&2

#      – Changed porte group other vlan




Script to create a virtual machine from template


Script to create a virtual machine from template




################################## INIT #################################################

# LoadModule Active Directory

if (!(Get-Module “activedirectory”)) {Import-module activedirectory}

Else {Write-Host “Module Active Directory is al ready loaded”}

# LoadModule VMware PowerCLI

# if (!(Get-Module “VMware.PowerCLI”)) {

#    Find-Module VMware.PowerCLI

#    Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser



# {

# Write-Host “Module PowerCLI is al ready loaded”

# }




$folder=”Applicatie Servers”

$DestinationVC =”


if (!$username ) { $username = Read-Host “Give vCenter username ‘wardvissers\admin'”}


if ( -NOT $Password ) {

$PasswordSec = Read-Host “Give vCenter password” -AsSecureString

$Password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PasswordSec))


#Connect vCenter

$ConnectVC = Connect-VIServer $DestinationVC -Username $Username -Password $Password -AllLinked

$AllVMs = @()

$AllVMs = Import-Csv “D:\TempVMlist.csv”

foreach ($vm in $AllVMs) {

#Haal De Gegevens op










Write-Host “$server heeft $memory GB memory en $cpu cpu(‘s)”

if ($server.length -gt 15) {

Write-Output “Hostname cannot contain more than 15 characters.”

$server = Read-Host “Re-enter hostname for host $server”}



Write-Host “Server is umc server”

#Maak AD Groep aan en Computer Account

New-ADComputer -Name $server -Path $ouservers -Enabled $true

New-ADGroup -Name “DLG.$server” -SamAccountName “DLG.$server” -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope DomainLocal -DisplayName “DLG.$server” -Path $ougroup

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity “DLG.$server” -Members $group


# Rol server uit van Template

# Select the host with the less used memory

$DestinationHost = Get-Cluster –Name $DestinationCluster –Server $DestinationVC | Get-VMhost -State Connected | Sort-Object -Property MemoryUsageGB | Select-Object -First1

# Select DataStore with the most free space and not in maintance

$destinationDatastore = Get-Cluster $DestinationCluster | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.State -ne “Maintenance”} | Sort-Object -Property FreeSpaceGB -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

# Finally, I deploy my VM with the New-VM cmdlet using my template and OS specs. I place the VM on the ESXi host and store the VM on the datastore.

New-VM -Name $server -Template $VMTemplate -OSCustomizationSpec $OSSpec -VMHost $DestinationHOST -Datastore $DestinationDatastore -Location $folder

Get-VM $server | Set-VM -NumCpu $cpu -MemoryGB $memory -Confirm:$false

if ($harddisk1 -gt 60){Get-HardDisk -vm $server | Where {$_.Name -eq “Hard disk 1”} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $harddisk1 -Confirm:$false}

if ($harddisk2 -gt 20) {Get-HardDisk -vm $server | Where {$_.Name -eq “Hard disk 2”} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $harddisk2 -Confirm:$false}

Get-VM $server | Start-VM -Confirm:$false

Get-VM $Server | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -Connected $true -Confirm:$false


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