Windows Server 8 Beta Active Directory install in Workstation 2012 Tech Preview

Some days ago I was installing Windows Server 8 aka 2012 in Workstation 2012 Tech Preview. I used the default settings where I choise for Windows 8 x64 as version.

I have used these VMs with the VMware Tools from the TechPreview.

As soon as I try to install and configure the Active Director Domain Services, the VM needs to reboot. Once it has rebooted, it goes in a blank screen, and there is nothing I can do. Workstation thinks the VM is running, but there is no response via the GUI in the VM, no response to ping traffic to the VM or RDP.

Downgrade from Workstation TP2012 hardware to Workstation 8 hardware and to select Windows 2008 R2 as the guest OS Knipogende emoticon


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