When I deploy client computers you have always 2 client Tasks. One for Laptops and one for Desktops.
I already blogd about joing domain. Jou can find it here. http://www.wardvissers.nl/2009/12/20/mdt-2010-join-domain/.
I had a issue joining the computers to the right ou for the two tasks.
I found a great solution to fix it.
Here is how I did it.
Open the right Task Sequence. I my case it was laptop.
Change this to: Gather local data and proces rules. Fill at Rules files customsettings.ini in.
Open Customsettings.ini
Change the following
Priority=TaskSequenceID, Default
Add the following text.
You can do this also for Desktops.
When you deploy a new computer the computer is now in the right OU. I love MDT
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