MDT 2013 Update 2 Automatically move computers to the right OU.

On December 2010 i wrote an article: automatically move computers to the right OU.
In MDT 2012 update 1 this was an issue: MDT 2012 settings per task sequence

In MDT 2013 Update 2 this is still a issue:

How to fix:

I changed DeployWiz_SelectTS.vbs file and it work again Glimlach

1. Edit DeployWiz_SelectTS.vbs
2. Add after “Dim sTemplate”
Dim sCmd
Set Oshell = createObject(“”)
3. Add before “End Function” (bottom of page)
sCmd = “wscript.exe “”” & oUtility.ScriptDir & “\ZTIGather.wsf”””
oItem = oSHell.Run(sCmd, , true)

Download DeployWiz_SelectTSMDT2013Update2.7z

Don’t forget to change every TaskSequence


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