Adding GPO Pack support in MDT 2013 for Windows 8.1 & 2012 R2

If you ever tried to use GPO Packs in MDT 2013 or ConfigMgr 012 R2, you quickly find out they will fail for Windows 8.1 or 2012 R2. The reason?  Microsoft forgot to add support for Windows 8.1 in the ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf script.
Luckily it’s easy to fix, and while you’re at it, why not also add support for Windows Server 2012 R2.

Fix the bug

Find the following section in ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf (line 86 – 92):

sOSVersion = oEnvironment.Item(“OSCurrentVersion”)
If (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.2”) and oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”) then
    sOS = “WS2012RTM”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Default Windows Server 2012 RTM GPO Pack”, LogTypeInfo
ElseIf (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.2”) and Not(oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”)) then
    sOS = “Win8RTM”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Default Windows 8 RTM GPO Pack”, LogTypeInfoAnd change to:

If (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.3”) and oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”) then
    sOS = “WS2012R2”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Windows Server 2012 SP1 PO Pack”, LogTypeInfo
ElseIf (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.3”) and Not(oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”)) then
    sOS = “Win81”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Windows 8.1 GPO Pack”, LogTypeInfo
ElseIf (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.2”) and oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”) then
    sOS = “WS2012RTM”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Default Windows Server 2012 RTM GPO Pack”, LogTypeInfo
ElseIf (Left(sOSVersion,3) = “6.2”) and Not(oEnvironment.Item(“IsServerOS”)) then
    sOS = “Win8RTM”
    oLogging.CreateEntry “Using Default Windows 8 RTM GPO Pack”, LogTypeInfo

Or download the file Winking smile


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